assalammualaikum,,hye peeps!!!..
im not in gud mood..just because weather liking glow in the dark dah...pergh,,,sangat tension and emo woo...
tapi tak adalah segelap wajah ini yo..
seriously,in my opinion..just sleep over and over..making my face like a fussy person..menyapu salah,,maembasuh salah..4me,,,everything its was wrong when i wants to tidy up my house...if i have a maid..i will says or shout...'bibik!!!! clean this..'bibik!!! where my phones???''bibik!!! make my lunch now!!! me so demands kan??? just my dream ok..not in realyty...hah,,,what should i do so cold,,4 ur information not bathing yet..hahaha...sangat sejuk itu air woo..make me parkinsen just kidding ok..deep in my heart i wanna do this my daily job..such as sweeping..mopping,,cooking...basuhing and so on..just because the weather,,i cant do all my job..syaitan always whisper in my ears..they says..when cold and rainy day...u should sleep over in ur cozy bed with the hootestt comfoter..hahahaha..itu sebenarnye bisikkan hati iqa je tu...hmmm..cant wait for the rain stop dropping their tears...and change their mood with the hooters sun...i wanna drying my clothes...huh,,annoying sungguh anak cik rahmat nie...k lah guys...wanna out...daa is live your lfe... hahaha...(asstagfirullahallazim)....assalammualikum..

ok...hahaha..gambar nie saje je..ok sayng ku,,tata
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